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Fall Detection

Trips, slips and falls are still the largest cause of workplace accidents across many companies and industries around the world – accounting for 53% of all non-fatal workplace injuries.

Whether falling from a height, tripping on uneven surfaces, medical events or other hazards, falls can cause serious injury to your employees and can even be fatal. Fall protection is critical to have.

Many governments worldwide, including Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the United States, broadly require organizations to take responsibility for workers’ health and safety and take all practicable precautions to ensure safe workplaces

Automatic Fall Detection

This device has a sensitivity adjustable, automatic fall detection built in, detecting serious falls.

To activate fall detection / Man down automatically, it requires:

– 1 meter or more sudden drop in altitude 

– Angle change like falling backward or forwards

– An impact that’s could cause injury or incapacitation

If the parameters or sensitivity has not been met (like falling onto soft surfaces like grass or a short fall off a chair, it should be determined that the user can activate the SOS button themselves. If parameters are met, the device will automatically start an emergency sequence of SMS to nominated contacts (and start calling out in sequence if desired)

Man down alarm can be set for ‘no movement’ too. In the event the device doesn’t sense movement for a predetermined period of time, it alerts the nominated emergency contacts that the device has been stationary.

If you are worried about falls yourself, or worried for someone who may be prone, an alarm with serious fall detection may be of assistance.

Sensitivity can be adjusted and fall detection can be turned off when required